Dear Customers
We explain how to order the Nissin Seafood Noodle for International Shipping. Sales conditions, Payment.
Lately Customs system was changed in the phil. There is a case in which taxes are requested at the time of international shipping. Note it
For International shipping, we accept 1box (20pcs) order.
If you really want it, we can send to your country. When you order Nissin Seafood Noodle, follow these conditions.
- One order, one box (20pcs)
- Payment is Credit Card (Visa/Master)
- Our responsibility is limited to Japan.
- Item is sent by EMS (We give you a EMS tracking No.)
- Arrival date, depends on country (Check it yourself)
- The customs duties, depend on country.(Check it by yourself)
- Our order system for Credit card is Japanese language.
- We accept following areas, (Area 1, Area2)
- Don’t make a mistake in the address, name and phone number.
Basically we offer service in Japan, so If there is a problem in Japan, we are responsible. Out of Japan, It’s your territory, Please check in advance about Tax, delivery situation, and arrival date.
[Area1 Countries] (Shipping fee: 3,800yen)
Philippines / Guam / Saipan / Singapore / Thailand / Taiwan / Hong Kong / Macau / Malaysia
[Area2 Countries] (Shipping fee: 5,200yen)
Australia/ new zealand / USA / Canada / United Arab Emirates / Saudi Arabia / Turkey
[ Online Order ] (Nihongo)
If you are from Area 1, click this link.
If you are from Area 2, click this link.
Philippines Only 2Boxes pack Order (Payment by Furikomi)
Available order of 2boxes for the Philippines. click following link. If you want to send to the Philippines, dito na lang click. (english) (Japanese)
When you can not understand Japanese language, we can pay it using your credit card information instead of you. If you want it, tell us following information.
1. Credit card number.
2. Name of Credit card
3. Expiration date
4. Security code number(CVV2/CVC2)
5. Address
6. Postal Code
7. Phone number
We accept Furikomi Payment. If you want a Furikomi, Contact us.
Contact us:
NISSIN シーフードヌードル国際発送
HIROKIM STOREでは海外へ住んでいる方でシーフードヌードルをお求めになりたいというご要望を受けて、1箱単位で国際発送を受付しています。
発送はEMSですので、EMSの既定の日数でお届けになります。日本国内に関してはHIROKIM STOREにて責任を持って発送まで対応します。
[エリア1 ] (送料: 3,800円)
[エリア2] (送料: 5,200円)
オーストラリア/ニュージーランド/アメリカ /カナダ / アラブ首長国連邦/サウジアラビア
[ オンラインでのご注文 ]日本語で可能です。
エリア1の方, こちらのリンクよりご注文ください。
エリア2 の方, こちらのリンクよりご注文ください。
フィリピンへの発送限定 2箱単位でのご注文が可能です。
お支払いはクレジットカードまたは振込でも可能です。フィリピンのみ2箱の発送を受付します。下記リンクよりオンラインでご注文ください。 (日本語) (英語)